In a candid and revealing interview on Carlos King’s Night Cap, Royce Reed, known for her time on Basketball Wives and being the mother of Dwight Howard’s child, shared shocking allegations about her experiences with Dwight Howard and Shaunie Henderson. During her tenure on Basketball Wives, Reed disclosed how she actively engaged in meetings to assist fellow basketball wives in getting back on their feet. However, as events unfolded, she found herself targeted on the show, feeling that information she confided in Shaunie was being exploited for dramatic storylines. In a surprising revelation, Reed indicated that Shaunie was absent from these crucial meetings, leaving her and a friend of Shaunie’s to take the reins, ultimately prompting Reed to consider herself a creator of the show. She expressed her disappointment in feeling blindsided by the show’s direction. Regarding Dwight Howard, Reed revealed a distressing episode where Howard allegedly expressed no interest in their shared child, even going as far as suggesting she undergo an abortion, offering financial compensation. Reed, however, chose to have the child despite Howard’s disinterest. The perplexing situation extended further as Reed highlighted Howard’s efforts to conceal their child, leading to public scrutiny. Recent social media exposure about Howard’s personal life, including a lawsuit for alleged sexual harassment, has added complexity to the already tumultuous circumstances. Reed’s revelations shed light on the challenges faced by individuals in the public eye, touching on issues of parenthood, relationships, and the realities of reality television, sparking discussions about responsibility, honesty, and the complexities of personal lives in the public sphere.

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