Rollie and Natalie nun has been placed on a petition to have them removed from baddies. The viewers are extremely tired of Natalie’s behavior, the jealousness of certain cast members and just thinking her stuff don’t stink  @erikatrenell_ @gossip_column225

Why this petition matters Started by
Elijah Gallus And this is what he had to say::
“I am writing this petition out of personal pain and frustration. Rollie, a member of Baddies, has been consistently engaging in bullying behavior and acting with an air of superiority that is damaging to the community spirit. Ever since she had just 2 pounds of fat removed and a non existent BBL done her actions have caused emotional distress to many, including myself. Bullying is a serious issue that affects millions worldwide – according to the World Health Organization, up to 1 in 3 students report being bullied at school. This behavior should not be tolerated in any environment, let alone within our group where woman should feel safe and supported. We believe that removing Rollie from Baddies will help restore peace and respect in the Zeus Network. Please stand with us against bullying by signing this petition for her removal

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