In the ever-evolving world of hip-hop drama, a heated exchange has erupted between Wack100 and Boosie, revolving around the claims of B.G.’s alleged snitching. While Chrisean Roohek has maintained a dignified silence, her fans are growing weary of the ongoing controversy sparked by Wack100’s outspoken comments.

The Controversy Unfolds: Wack100, known for his unfiltered commentary on the internet, recently targeted B.G., suggesting he has evidence proving B.G.’s involvement as a snitch. This accusation didn’t sit well with influential figures like Birdman and BG, who vehemently rejected the claims. Boosie, not one to shy away from speaking his mind, joined the fray through an Instagram Live video.

Boosie Strikes Back: In the video, Boosie challenged Wack100’s assertions, pointing out the absurdity of labeling someone who had spent 13 to 14 years behind bars as a snitch. Having collaborated with B.G. upon his release, Boosie expressed his frustration with Wack100’s remarks, labeling him a “[Clown]” and using the hashtag #3fingerwack.

Wack100 Responds: Wack100, undeterred by Boosie’s response, took to Clubhouse to address the situation. He questioned Boosie’s credibility, referencing an incident where Boosie had called Birdman’s brother Gangster a rat based on paperwork. Wack100 asserted that he possessed evidence against B.G. and dared Boosie to engage in physical confrontation.

Boosie Fires Back: Boosie, not one to back down, returned to social media to dismiss Wack100’s threats. He emphasized that he wasn’t seeking beef and questioned why Wack100 was making such claims. Boosie’s confidence and refusal to be intimidated added fuel to the ongoing feud.

B.G.’s Legal History: To provide context, B.G. had previously pled guilty to firearm-related charges and conspiracy to obstruct justice in 2011, resulting in a 14-year prison sentence. After serving 11 years, he was released. Wack100 alleges having documentation proving B.G.’s involvement as a snitch, further deepening the controversy.

Additional Revelations: The drama didn’t stop there. Tasha K entered the scene, adding her perspective by discussing Wack100’s alleged side piece Meeker, and making provocative claims about Wack100’s personal life. This unexpected twist brought more elements into an already complex narrative.

As the hip-hop community continues to witness this escalating feud, fans are left wondering about the veracity of the claims, the motivations behind the accusations, and the potential impact on the relationships within the industry. The saga serves as a reminder that, in the age of social media, controversies can unfold rapidly, leaving a lasting impact on the reputations of those involved.

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