Keke Palmer, renowned for her role in “Hustlers,” has initiated legal proceedings against Darius Jackson, the father of her son. The acclaimed actor submitted a request for a restraining order against her former boyfriend, a move confirmed by The Times. In the filed request within the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Palmer outlines her urgent need for protection from Jackson. She alleges that he unlawfully entered her home without consent, issued threats, and physically assaulted her during an incident that unfolded on a Sunday. Compelling evidence, including surveillance video footage and screenshots, has been attached to support Palmer’s claims. The “Nope” star, born Lauren Keyana Palmer, asserts that Jackson, 29, forcibly entered her residence in search of their 8-month-old son, Leodis, intending to watch a football game. Despite the absence of agreed-upon plans, the situation escalated as Palmer, 30, repeatedly requested Jackson to leave. According to Palmer’s declaration, Jackson allegedly responded with aggression, lunging at her, grabbing her neck and face, and ultimately throwing her over a couch. Additionally, Palmer accuses Jackson of stealing her phone when she attempted to contact the police, further complicating the already distressing situation. As this legal process unfolds, the public awaits further developments in Keke Palmer’s pursuit of justice and protection against alleged domestic violence.

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